Marketing Science |
at the University of Florida | ||
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General Information
Why Publish in Marketing Science Marketing Science is a journal sponsored by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). Being part of the long established INFORMS organization insures our long-term existence and financial security. We are found in many libraries throughout the world. All of our articles are found in Web accessible full-text commercial database such as EBSCO, ProQuest and JSTOR. For example,
from 01/01/1982 to 1 year ago in Business Source Premier For more click here Hence, our articles are readily accessible. On-line subscriptions are available.
All major citation indices including ISI's Journal Citation Reports includes all papers published in
Marketing Science. We are listed as a primary and high-ranking business publication.
The web-of-science
contains our abstracts. We are an
A+ Journal (Wien
Rating). Marketing Science’s impact rating, based on estimated citations per article reported by the SSCI's Journal Citation Reports , in the year 2004 was 3.391. That rating is higher than all journals in marketing. It ranks Marketing Science 3rd among all 57 business journals rated by ISI. The following table shows the top 5 leading business journals ranked on their respective impact factors (citations per article published).
There are 57 business journals and 94 total business & finance journals. Marketing Science ranks 3rd in both categories.
The following table compares Marketing Science to selected journals in Marketing.
The Social Science Prestige Factor for 2000 (based on six independent variables and over 6000 journals*) puts Marketing Science at the 91st percentile (i.e., top 9%). In comparison, Journal of Marketing ranks at the 77th percentile, Journal of Marketing Research (90th percentile), Journal of Retailing (57th percentile), American Economic Review (92nd percentile), Journal of Advertising (47th percentile), Journal of Econometrics (74th percentile) and Journal of Finance (98th percentilea). We are the fifteenth ranked econometrics journal (click here).
Other analyses provide similar conclusions. Harzing (2001) finds Marketing Science
is an A-journal of international status and gives it the highest possible rating (an A-5).
Bill Starbuck (1996) verifies this status. Many published marketing productivity rankings use
Marketing Science (Bakir, Vitell and Rose 2000). Hans Baumgartner and Rik Pieters (2000) report that
Marketing Science is one of the top-ranked marketing journals among doctorate-granting institutions. Also,
authors will be very happy to know that after publication INFORMS
routinely gives permission to make digital or hard copies of part of all of
published articles for personal or classroom use without fee (provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial
advantage). References
1. Bakir, Aysen, Scott J. Vitell, Gregory M. Rose. 2000. Publications In Major Marketing Journals: An Analysis of *: PrestigeFactor data recorded on 1/28/02. ©2002 University of Florida |
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201 Bryan Hall, PO Box
117155 Gainesville, Florida 32611-7155 phone: 352-846-3707 fax: 413-638-9318 email: Accredited by AACSB and EQUIS Member of EFMD and GMAC |
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Last updated on Tuesday, July 23, 2002. ©2001 University of Florida |